Douglas Mawson

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From 1911 to 1914 he was leader of the Australasian Antarctic expedition, which charted 2000 mi of coast; he was knighted on his return. He studied at Sydney, was appointed to the scientific staff of Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic expedition , and with T W E David discovered the South Magnetic Pole. Looking for glass in Sydney. Hello.Sign in to get personalized recommendations.New customer. We had discovered an accursed country. They resulted in Australia claiming 42 percent of Antarctica as Australian Territory - an area the size of Australia without Queensland. This time concentrating on oceanography and marine biology. Douglas Mawson loved to have his family around him and his two daughters came to know the qualities that made him a great leader.
In 1914 he married Paquita Delprat the woman he often thought of throughout his Antarctic ordeal. When he returned to Adelaide, he was knighted for his contribution to our scientific understanding of Antarctica. His epic trek was described as the greatest story of lone survival in polar exploration. He sawed his sled in half and dragged his poisoned body over more than one hundred and sixty kilometers of blizzard-swept ice and finally reach the safety of expedition headquarters. Mawson's party traveled east for over a thousand kilometers mapping the coastline, collecting geological samples and discovering huge glaciers.