Trader Horn
All Rotten Tomatoes content is used under license from Rotten Tomatoes. I suppose I could find out myself, but thought perhaps you knew offhand. Is Edwina Booth any relation to the famous/infamous Booth family of actors. However, the remake is difficult to find. Trader Horn was remade under less harrowing circumstances in 1973 and starred Rod Taylor. Possibly due to the objectionable content, Trader Horn isn't seen very often on Turner Classic Movies. Many of the animal shots saw subsequent use in many of MGM's Tarzan movies.

Mutia Omoolu and Riano Tindama were denied entry to the Hollywood Hotel because they were black. The sound recorded in Africa was of rather poor quality so MGM had additional footage shot on their backlot, which gave rise to rumors of the location shooting being fake. Based on the ivory trader's 1927 memoirs, Trader Horn's production was rather sordid. It wouldn't surprise me if the memoirs the film was based on were replete with this sort of language, but regardless of the possible historical accuracy, it's still damn uncomfortable. Several scenes are also rather uncomfortable to watch, for example, Horn casually throws out racial epithets and calls the local peoples "savages" repeatedly. However, there are many parts in this film that are overly long, such as several safari scenes that essentially function as a travelogue as Horn explains the assorted species of animals encountered. Van Dyke Starring: Harry Carey, Duncan Renaldo, Mutia Omoolu, and Edwina Booth Plot: Alfred Aloysius "Trader" Horn searches for a missionary's daughter amid the dangers of the African veldt. The Mission: To watch and blog about every Best Picture Oscar nominee from the beginning.
Based on a novel by Alfred Aloysius Horn and Ethelreda Lewis. Carey and Renaldo are traders who tangle with a native tribe while searching for the long-lost daughter of a missionary, who turns out to be a tribal goddess.

Mutia Omoolu and Riano Tindama were denied entry to the Hollywood Hotel because they were black. The sound recorded in Africa was of rather poor quality so MGM had additional footage shot on their backlot, which gave rise to rumors of the location shooting being fake. Based on the ivory trader's 1927 memoirs, Trader Horn's production was rather sordid. It wouldn't surprise me if the memoirs the film was based on were replete with this sort of language, but regardless of the possible historical accuracy, it's still damn uncomfortable. Several scenes are also rather uncomfortable to watch, for example, Horn casually throws out racial epithets and calls the local peoples "savages" repeatedly. However, there are many parts in this film that are overly long, such as several safari scenes that essentially function as a travelogue as Horn explains the assorted species of animals encountered. Van Dyke Starring: Harry Carey, Duncan Renaldo, Mutia Omoolu, and Edwina Booth Plot: Alfred Aloysius "Trader" Horn searches for a missionary's daughter amid the dangers of the African veldt. The Mission: To watch and blog about every Best Picture Oscar nominee from the beginning.
Based on a novel by Alfred Aloysius Horn and Ethelreda Lewis. Carey and Renaldo are traders who tangle with a native tribe while searching for the long-lost daughter of a missionary, who turns out to be a tribal goddess.